

Saturday, March 16, 2013

17 months old

Our little guy turned 17 months old a couple of days ago. That means one month until he's a year and a half. He still is just the sweetest boy who loves to blow kisses, give kisses give hugs and and be a helper to mama. He says "mama" on a VERY regular basis. He has also tried to say "cheese" but sounds more like "EEEEEE". HAHA!

He's getting more cheeky and mischievous too! He loves to pull books off the bookself and messed up the living room and then smile at me. Love to hide toys behind his back and tell us all gone, just like papa does when he plays with him. Putting his hands behind his back or in his pockets and make us laugh with his silly walk shows.

Xavier loves loves loves books. When we go into his room he will grab my hand and lead me to where the books are and then sit onto my lap so I will read books with him....I love how he communicates all this to me...I find it so cool that he has his own little toddler language. Oh and he knows if we haven't read all the books. I can't fool him.
His receptive and expressive language has improved alot too. He is saying alot more words and that definitely made his ability to communicate his needs easier for him. Last week, he found a new tactic to attract our attention - when he hurt his hand, he will run to us and say "pain, pain", he will then lift up his hand and say "blow" Sure love our little guy. He is growing up before our eyes. We love you!

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