

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Is Drooling = teething?

The frequent understanding of the reason why babies drool is because of teething. But is it true????

Apparently, this is not what we are facing now.

Little man has started to drool much more than usual about a week ago. He is drooling and gnawing on everything in sight while everyone exclaims, "OH! He must be teething."   but no actual teeth have popped through just yet.

So drooling does not equal to teething. It is just part and parcel of being a baby! At this age, Xavier likes to gasp things and try to stick them into their mouth. Everything, from blankets, pillows, toys and my fingers...he is simply just exploring the little things he can lift up!!!

One thing though, he seems a little more cranky these two days... Hmmmm.. need to check in his gum more often!

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