

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Counting Down....Just One more day to our road trip! Yippee! We were packing our luggage yesterday then realised hubby got lots of new clothings. So do I. Most of them were still in the paper bags and the price tags were intact too LOL! As we packed, we did a rough calculation... Oh my gosh the figure really look scary! We have to control our shopping from now onwards le!

Wat's our lunch today? We had chicken wrapped in pandan leaves (recipe here). Instead of using tumeric Powder, I replaced it with chicken curry powder. It turns out really nice! Love the sweet smell from the pandan leaves!

Stir-fried pea sprouts with garlic... this time i added more sugar and reduced the light soy sauce.. Hubby loves it!
I also prepared a traditional sweet dessert- Red bean soup with Sago and Glutinous rice balls (recipe here). This is a simple and yet yummy dessert.

After hubby left for work, I also walked to Walgreens to grab for free stuff again! Spent $1 for all these items!

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