

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Buddy had a great fall

Buddy had a fall 3 days ago. He was at the living playing with his toys while we got ourselves change in our room. Moments later, we all head a loud THUD or BANG whichever it was sure LOUD. The first thing that came to my mind was "It's just a loud noise." And next second, "Oh my holly goodness, it can be buddy!!" we dashed like the flash and saw him sitting still beside the accident scene and crying. He tripped, fell and hit hard againt the wooden door frame. Ouch!!
Quickly, we went to pick him up. Hugged, cuddle and coaxed my little guy. After a while, the crying stopped and a blue black bruise appeared on his forehead. 
We have been so careless! What was I thinking of? He’s been so active and walking everywhere already. I can only say this, there’s no such thing as being too careful! I must learn to be more careful….

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