

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day and Xavier's 19 months old!

Hi My loves!!!

First of all I wanted to say....

We hope you all have a lovely Mother's Day spent with your most precious people :)
Being a mom is the most rewarding thing I ever experienced and I'm so truly blessed to have my cheeky boy. 

Also.... Xavier is 19 months old today too!!! 
So Happy 19 months birthday to cheeky boy!
Another month has gone way too fast and he is now only 5 months away from turning 2!

What is Xavier up to at 19 months?

He can identify letters A to E when asked. He knows all his basic shapes and colour

He will hold up 1 finger when we ask him to show one and hold up his thumb when ask to show good.

He knows how to blow his nose into a tissue, cloth or wipes. His execution isn't always successful but he gets the concept.

He love to sing and knows the words to several songs. His fav are wheels on the bus, twinkle twinkle little star, ABC song and row the boat

There is definitely some toddler attitude developing as well. He's at that age where provoking mama and papa is funny even when it lands him in time out

He is VERY opinionated and will let you know if he doesn't like/ want something

He has learnt to say please and thank you... in the midst of teaching him "You're welcome" 

His bottom molars and 3 out of 4 canines are in now

Overall, he is a happy kid and he's been such a joy. He still loves reading and brings me book all day long to read to him. He likes when I read to him before bed. He's starting to play with his trucks/cars more and he's pretty good at puzzles when he actually wants to play with them. He has lots of energy and loves to run around, climb, jump etc. He definitely keeps me busy! 

I am so grateful for every moment with this little one
Grow up happy healthy and smart ok!

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