

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Traveling across time zones

We're flying from our hometown, Singapore to Dallas Forth Worth, Texas USA in just 17days. It's a 20 hours flight so we'r really nervous about it.

The idea of crossing time zones with my little man is one of my greatest worry as a parent. I'm worried about the jet-lag and how it will affect his schedule (bedtime and naptimes). The 13 hour time difference always kills me so I'm assuming my little man is going to feel bad as well.....  Finally, after a long search, I'm so glad that I found this amazing website with such great advices  

Please click for the link --- Jet Lag Survival Guide for Parents 
    1.  Make sure that they are getting lots of outdoor exercise during the day
    2. Make sure that they are getting plenty to eat during the day (and especially in the evening)
    3. You don't need to force them to be awake, but try to keep them out of situations that might soothe them to sleep during the day
it does take some time for baby's internal clock to adjust new time. Try to keep him awake and in the sun as much as you can during daylight hours, and focus on eating and soothing activities during night waking.

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