

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Learning to self feed

Buddy has always had an independent streak in him
Lately, it's has been manifesting itself more and more
This week, it showed itself during meal time
He's been feeding himself finger foods for several months 
Cheerios, puff, pieces of fruits, cheese, chicken, 
squash, sweet potatoes etc
When we go out for lunches, I've started letting him hold
the fork or spoon himself. He loves that.
During mealtime, I will usually feed him but
this week, he wanted to do it himself
Self feeding can be frustrating for me
His food will winds up on the floor, covering his face, in the hair
pretty much every where you can imagine
After his mealtime, I will have to spend at least 15 mins clearing up his mess
Figuring out how to hold the spoon
Trying so hard to scoop up cheerios

He's frustrated but still give me a smile

Hand feed is much faster

Trying to lift up the bowl... hahaha! But can't

Try again

give up and focus on his food

Spoon feed avocado apple yogurt

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