

Monday, January 14, 2013

15 months old

Well... another month has come and gone... Seriously?! How I wish I can delay time as I want to enjoy the journey of his growth, like sipping a nice cup of coffee, rather finishing it in just one gulp.
But I know I can’t…. time really flies!
Xavier is a big boy at 15 months old now... getting more and more demanding. He knows what he wants and he will shake his head if he doesn't want. It is so cute to look at the action nowdays.
Sleeping routine:
wakes up at 830-9am for breakfast; Lunch at 12.30 takes a nap from 2.30 -5.00; dinner at 6-6.30 and goes to bed at 9.30-10pm 
These are the new words that Xavier can say - bye bye, please, uncle, di di, mei mei, Gong Gong, car, open 
Xavier has started showing interest in table food and he's definitely a fantastic eater. He wants to have his share whenever we are having dinner. So from now onwards, I will cook without adding salt so he can get to experience different flavours of food in this way he will be less likely to become picky eaters! This is what we strongly believe. And of cos, Moderation is key and don't be afraid to experiment. (favourite - rice, duck meat and mushrooms - just like his daddy :))  

On a side note: I hope to train Xavier to self feed by using a fork/spoon this month. Hope his suction bowl from vital baby will arrive soon so he is able to focus on using his utencils instead of playing his bowl.

Happy 15 months, Xavier! Thank you for bringing so much joyfulness, happiness and blissfulness to our life! papa and mama Love you!!!! 

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