

Thursday, July 12, 2012

9 Months old

Buddy is already 9 months old! I cannot believe in 3 short months he will be 1 and no longer my baby, but a toddler! It's all going by way too fast for me and I wish I could slow time down just a little bit.

A lot has happened in the last month. We now have an incredibly mobile baby on our hands! Turning 9 months is just as magical as turning 6 months (0-6 months was one stage, and suddenly after 6 months, he became another baby... babbly, attention seeker, fun and happy).

Currently buddy is:

- Crawling all over the place! He started officially crawling at 8 months. Now he is really fast and can get anywhere he wants. If you go into the next room  and call his name he will come crawling as fast as he can to find you!

- He can pull up to stand on anything. He is "furniture cruising", which is not limited to furniture. He will try and stand and move along anything he can reach. It results in multiple daily falls which I hope will end soon when he is able to stand on his own. Buddy already thinks he can stand on his own. Sometimes he will just let go of whatever he is holding on too expecting to stand. At least he is not lacking in self confidence!

- He will use his butt to break his fall. He will slowly lower his butt to a squatting position and then sit. His actions and expression will always crack us up.

- I've started label objections at home. E.g. Television, cupboard, fan, pig (dehumidifier), spoon and bowl etc.....I think is good with their image recognition and memory and also help to build up their sighted words. I can tell he is starting to understand words. He knows what's the cupboard and pig is and if you say "Xavier where's the cupboard" he will look at it. He has even pointed at it a few times!

- He LOVES flash cards too especially to animals. It is the only time he will be completely still and enjoy seeing the pictures and looks carefully at the things you point out on the card.

I think that's all for now.  Xavier is such a joy in our lives and I seriously love being at home with him. Hope you enjoyed!


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