

Thursday, February 16, 2012

should I discipline my Baby?

Gotten some advise from some mommies & daddies
alot feels that babies should be discipline but definitely not in way you might think
discipline does not mean punishment
After all, a baby cannot talk, lacks reasoning skills, do not comprehend cause-and-effect, and yet to achieve understanding in many areas.

So as a parent, we should:

  • Prevention-keep the baby safe & feel secure

  • Build relationship -parent and child can communicate through giving and receiving cues

  • Distract, redirect and follow through
What to avoid:

  • physical discipline - slap legs, squeeze hands, pinch arms, swat mouths and spank bottoms. Harsh discipline can scare baby. It can reduce healthy exploration and risk taking resulting lower self confidence leads to lower IQ scores. The more children are spanked, the more likely they become non compliant, aggressive and antisocial.

  • Avoid overusing the word "no"- must use it appropriately

A baby is just a baby. They are not being "bad" or "defiant" or Manipulative"; they are simply responding to the new world around them in the only way they yet know how....

It's important to get in the habits of practicing positive discipline ASAP... no more spanking from now onwards.... :)

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