

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Bye bye baby! Hello, Toddler!

tod·dler n. One who toddles, especially a young child learning to walk.

So I guess it makes Xavier officially a toddler now. He's definitely a very interested toddler and enjoys tons of fun toddling around the house. Across the living room, in our bed room, along the corridor. It is really amusing to watch him toddling around. He looks like a drunkard baby especially when he tries to maintain his balance every time he gets wobbly. And every time when we thought he is going to fall, he manages to put the right foot down and stay balance on track.

After his First birthday, Xavier's development has been monumental. He is learning to pick up one-syllable word and can say "Cheers" "Ball" "Kiss" "Papa" "Mama" and "Ah Ma" with really clear enunciation. How excited Ah ma and us when he called us.

Of course like a puppy who has learnt new tricks, we have been practising hard with him; making him say those words whenever the context applies. He usually complies, gets lots of hearty responses. He smiles. We laugh.

Besides mastering the art of saying his first word, he is learning to sign or rather gesture. The first gesture he mastered was non other than the "wave"  followed by "scare" and "Finish/ no more".

That is my little gem calling papa!

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