

Friday, October 12, 2012

As you turn ONE

My Dearest Buddy,
Today, you turn 1. It is so amazing to look at you today and realise how much you have grown and changed over the past months. Every milestone you reach and every new experiemce that delights you puts a smile on our faces. Papa and mama just love to watch you explore. There are so much for you to explore these days. You are intrigues by everything. Yet, just one short year ago, you were a little cute, healthy, newborn baby asleep in our arms. A year has brought so much changes, so many smiles and so many tears (good and bad).
A year. Seems like such a short amount of time. Yet, in a year, you have gone from the fragile, tiny newborn in our arms to the rambunctious, adventurous one year old handsome buddy you are today. All those milestones, all the changes, all the growing in just one short year. It is like a lifetime condensed into 365 days. In that span of time, our life has forever changed. Nothing, no part of us, will ever be the same. You definitely have make our life more joyous, you fill it with more laughter, and you make our heart smile more than we  ever dreamed possible. We love you more than we ever did before.
Happy Birthday, Xavier!
You really are the greatest boy on earth in my book!
Papa and Mama

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