

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

121212 - 14 months old

My baby boy is 14 months now! This boy is so special to me and he continues to amaze me everyday! Everything is going by way too fast and I really wish I could slow time down! At the same time, this is such a fun age and I'm loving it.  
At 14 months Xavier is:
  • drinking his morning and afternoon milk from a straw cup
  • Walking like a pro!
  • Talking so much! -says papa, mama, bye bye, boo, duck, apple, bubbles, mei mei etc
  • He knows where the vast majority of his body parts are
  • Loves his chunky wooden puzzles but does get frustrated sometimes when he can't get the pieces to fir correctly
  • He likes to imitate us and learn what objects are used for. He knows to put a phone up to his ear and "talk" on it, he knows how to use a hair brush, he can use a spoon, etc.
  • He is stacking 4 blocks (he tries to do 5, but he always winds up knocking his little tower over lol). He is starting to like Mega Blocks and Lego Duplo blocks more and more
  • He also loves to throw balls out of his ball pit
  • He LOVES to dance to pretty much any music and turn a round
  • He responds to a lot of commands. A fun one right now is when we say "down" he squats and then we say "up" and he stands up. He'll also open and close a door or cabinet when we say "open" or "close."
  • He usually gives kisses and hug when we ask
  • He LOVES books. He won't let me read him one without ripping it out of my hands and flipping through it himself. I often just point to different things on the pages or read him another book while he flips through another one hahaha. He goes to his book bins and "reads" books several times a day.He understands SO MUCH and will point to almost anything I ask correctly in his books. It's so cool
  • He concentrates really hard when he's trying to figure something out. It's fun for me to watch him work it out
  • He understands a lot. He knows when I put his shoes on that we're going out and he waves and says "bye bye." He's starting to clean up when I ask him to, he will open or close things when I ask, etc.
  • When we ask him to jump, he tries, but winds up just getting on his tip toes. It's so cute and I have a video of it I need to post
  • He loves to explore and figure out how things work. He's really into playing with boxes and things that aren't actual toys
He is the funnest little boy and has me laughing all day long! He's so  cheeky and goofy and makes my day! Love you baby boy!

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