

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012, goodbye maternity leave

Counting down to 11 Jan 2012.... just another 8 more days, I will be back to work :(
Wow, where did those 3 months go?
The thought of going back to work at the end of my maternity leave can be quite heart breaking. But I know that somethings are inevitable.
There are so much things to do/prepare/arrange just to make sure that the transition is easier for us and baby:

  1. Mentally prepare myself - the thought of it make me feel sad & guilt to part with baby almost the whole day, definitely will miss his smiles & squeals

  2. Care taker - my mom will be taking care baby while I'm at work... feeling more at ease knowing that baby will be in the hands of someone I trust instead of sending him to infant care

  3. Decided to continue with breast-feeding - need a space in the office to express every 3 hourly (office design is open concept, the only place i can think of is the store room... but i think it will be super stuffy so i will need a fan :))... other than that also need to prepare the breast feeding essentials -sterilize pumps, bottles, storage milk bag, ice pack & cooling bag etc - all these have to be readily pack the night before.

  4. Baby's feeding schedule - now baby is fed 140ml every 4 hourly: 9am,1pm,5pm, 9pm,1am,5am - still able to feed him when i am back from work, bonding is something not to be miss.

  5. Stocking up express breast milk - for the past weeks, I have been exclusively pumping... freezing all the excess BM... heard from some mummies that the supply will be affected after returning to work, probably due to stress ba... and some find it too troublesome and give up along the way... What I need is determination.... do not use the ruse of work not to breast feed my baby!!!!

Personally, i feel that balancing work and baby is no mean task. Successful working mum must have the ability to manage time and prioritize. Hope that I can handle it well.

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