

Friday, January 25, 2013

Morning activity - Play-Doh

Our morning activity 
First time playing with play doh 
It's so fun and he loves it

Didn't know the wonder of play dough until I Google about it: 

Fine motor development: 
It can be squashed, squeezed, rolled, flattened, chopped, raked, punctured, poked and shredded! Each one of these different actions is secretly building up strength in all the tiny hands muscles and tendons, making them ready for pencil and scissor control later, not to mention hand-eye co-ordination and general concentration

Imagination and creativity: 
Open ended play items to add to the mix, play dough becomes the perfect medium for numerous types of imaginative play and can represent so many things in a child's eyes

Calming and soothing:
The effects of all that squeezing and pummeling are great for stress relief and can feel extremely therapeutic! Little children can struggle to express their emotions and using dough while talking and singing can really help that process

Maths and Literacy developments: 
In more focused play, play dough can be used as a fantastic way to practice letter and number work

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