

Monday, July 2, 2012

buddy's 8 Months Checkup

Brought Buddy to Coppell Pediatrics for his 8 months check up. He's already 8months and 3weeks which mean this checkup is long overdue.
The nurse measures and weighs him, currently 9.5kg.
PD check the eyes, mouth and ears etc
Everything is good and buddy is growing well.

After finding out more about the 12 months vaccine schedule, the PD note that Buddy did not have HIB vaccine which is not require in Singapore but is a must in USA. So, Buddy ended up having 2 jabs, 1 on each thight. The Hib vaccine (immunization) prevents childhood Haemophilus influenzae b infections, which can cause severe and potentially deady illnesses that affect the brain, lungs, and bones or joints.

After PD is done with him, the nurse came in with the vaccine. The nurse held his legs and poke in real hard and fast. Buddy was shocked and gave out a loud cry.  He stopped the moment papa carried him up with tears still in his eyes.... so heart pain!!!

Going for his next vaccine in 6 weeks time.

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