

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Seemingly all grown up

At day 158 (5mths 1wk & 1day), Xavier made a few more discoveries. I'm totally amazed how fast baby xavier can learn!!!

started to get thrilled with some of the toys that he ignored in the past or was unable to participate in playing e.g. able to reach out and pull on the hanging items on the fisher price rocker to make the music come on, he did it with his hands and foot! Knows cause and effect very well.

Able to hold his favourite bottle (NUK wide neck bottle) well & successfully finished his milk without a mess

After weeks of practising, he finally did his first waving bye bye to gong gong and mama this morning --- will try to capture a video for his "First" moment

just realise after I came home from work --- baby xavier, do you want mama to carry??? he immediately got excited with a smile and raise his hands.... omg!

I feel really emotional about all these. Because it seems just like yesterday that Xavier was a little bundle, now yes, he is growing up!!! I feel happy that he is growing up yet sad, that these stages of his life go by soooo fast. I really can't wait to spend 24/7 of my time with him to experience all his "First" moment together....2 more months to go....counting down :)))

In a blink, Xavier turned 5 months old. The previous months didn't seem so obvious but this month, it is very prominent that, he is growing into a little boy.

But he will always be my baby. Be it 5 months, 5 years old, 50 years old.

Like what my friend said, we will always love our child more than our child love us. I think it’s true.


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