

Saturday, May 28, 2011

6th check up, 27 May

Check up at 9am
Currently at 19 weeks
As routine,
urine check - normal . sugar levels to check for gestational diabetes, bacteria to indicate that you may have a urinary tract infection, or the presence of protein

weight -gain within an acceptable range of 2.4kg

blood pressure - normal

Next, we proceed to visit Dr Ong

he is very nice, gentle and professional and never gives me a feeling being rushed during the appointment. we are so pleased to be in his care.

Now, comes to the last part of the visit- ultrasound

the moment Dr Ong place the device on my bulging belly

I can see Xavier laying comfortably in my womb :)

Then, Dr Ong determine Xavier's weight by

calculating the head circumference, stomach circumference & length of the limbs

Wow.... he has grew from 130grames to 300grames within 4weeks

Oops... Baby Xavier's weight is above average!

is Xavier going to be a big baby??????


The scan above confirmed our baby is a boy

they even did a measurement of Xavier's genitals

Now is only 0.45cm... isn't that cute????

And our next appointment will be on

24 June 2011

when baby xavier is 23 weeks

schedule for my detailed scan & 4D scan

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